Why we must be aware of skin lesions?

Why we must be aware of skin lesions?

Skin lesions are characterized by an abnormal growth on the skin. It occurs in the form of bulges, swelling, soreness, an ulcer, or a colored area of the skin. They appear on particular body parts regardless of age and gender during any stage of a person’s life. This issue can be in the form of simple moles, acne, cold sores, and blisters. It also exists in more severe forms like eczema (different types), hives, ringworm, and psoriasis.

Many skin lesions are common and benign, but sometimes, they can be cancerous. It is not easy to determine whether a skin lesion is dangerous or not. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a specialist on the appearance of any such mark. Skin lesions can also be contagious and non-contagious.

Types of skin lesions:

Skin lesions are generally categorized into two groups; primary lesions and secondary lesions.

Primary lesions: These skin lesions appear at any time during a person’s life. The cause of these lesions is reactions within the body or/and its external environment. These include; cyst, patch, plaque, papule, macule, nodule, vesicle, pustule, tumor, wheel, and telangiectasia.

Secondary lesions: When a primary lesion is disrupted or aggravated, it leads to secondary lesions. Some of the secondary lesions include erosion, atrophy, maceration, scale, ulcer, umbilication, and excoriation.

Causes of skin lesion:

Some many factors and reasons that cause skin lesions.

  • Hereditary factors (causes skin lesions like birthmarks and moles).
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Exposure to the sunlight
  • Medications
  • Infections (viral, fungal, and bacterial)
  • Allergic reactions
  • Skin Cancer

When to consult a doctor?

Some of the common skin lesions like acne, blisters, and cold sores go away on their own or with the use of using over-the-counter (OTC) creams. However, if they do not disappear on their own or with OTC creams within a few days, there is a need to consult a doctor. Notably, there are no OTC creams available for bacterial infections (impetigo). They require medical attention.

Diagnosis and treatment:

Diagnosis of skin lesions begins with a physical examination by a physician or dermatologist followed by blood tests, imaging, and operation. Treatment depends on the type of skin lesions; some common harmless and mild skin lesions do not require treatment. But if a person wants to remove them, it can be done through local treatment using antibacterial agents, laser therapy, heliotherapy, and cryosurgery. Whereas, skin lesions that may cause serious complications like cancer need proper treatment by addressing their underlying causes. Skin lesions like premalignant and malignant are treated with surgery to stop their further development.

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